The film chronicles the tragic life of an innocent girl Moksh who is forced to toughen up due to life's extreme hardships. Wh...
Audio Available in: Hindi
The film chronicles the tragic life of an innocent girl Moksh who is forced to toughen up due to life's extreme hardships. When Moksh's parents die, she is adopted by her paternal uncle and aunt. The uncle molests her and threatens to kill her if she speaks of it to anyone. When she grows up, her aunt tries to send her to satisfy the desires of a lecherous man they owe money to, while marrying her own daughter to a good man Moksh is in love with. Later, Moksh marries a man who turns out to be an abusive, despicable and perverted. Angered by her circumstances, she takes an extreme step to exact revenge on them all. But her life refuses to show her mercy.
Audio Available in: Hindi
The film chronicles the tragic life of an innocent girl Moksh who is forced to toughen up due to life's extreme hardships. Wh...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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