Abandoned as a young child, lonely Vicky (Dharmendra) only receives affection from a local school-teacher and a young girl na...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Abandoned as a young child, lonely Vicky (Dharmendra) only receives affection from a local school-teacher and a young girl named Aarti (Moushumi Chatterjee). He is left shattered after Aarti’s lecherous uncle sells her to a group of men who attempt to assault her. To save herself from her impending fate, she kills herself. Vicky then flies into a blind rage, seeks to kill her molesters and ends up becoming an underworld don.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Abandoned as a young child, lonely Vicky (Dharmendra) only receives affection from a local school-teacher and a young girl na...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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