Living a precarious life as a part-timer at a convenience store, Ae Ri strives to support her mother who is on a waiting list...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Living a precarious life as a part-timer at a convenience store, Ae Ri strives to support her mother who is on a waiting list for a heart transplant. Unfortunately, her mother's worsened physical condition leads her to forgo the long-awaited opportunity for the transplant, and just like that her mother disappears. Things were already chaotic enough for Ae Ri when she receives a phone call from a strange man claiming to be from the same world but 31 days in the future. Ironically, he desperately asks Ae Ri for help.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Living a precarious life as a part-timer at a convenience store, Ae Ri strives to support her mother who is on a waiting list...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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