A bold and outspoken woman named Madhubala falls in love with a man named Kishore Kumar. But she loses her life in an acciden...
Audio Available in: Hindi
A bold and outspoken woman named Madhubala falls in love with a man named Kishore Kumar. But she loses her life in an accident, which puts an abrupt end to all her dreams. Her feelings, however, are too strong and too deep to lose the battle of love to life, so she comes back as a ghost to fulfill her dreams. Problem arises when she tries to express her feelings and ends up scaring the man more than winning him over. What will Kishore do when he finds out that he's being pursued by a ghost? Can a ghost and a human even fall and stay in love?
Audio Available in: Hindi
A bold and outspoken woman named Madhubala falls in love with a man named Kishore Kumar. But she loses her life in an acciden...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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