This is a story of twin brothers, Ratan and Chaman (Ashok Kumar), and Ratan's childhood sweetheart, Meera (Veena). As childre...
Audio Available in: Hindi
This is a story of twin brothers, Ratan and Chaman (Ashok Kumar), and Ratan's childhood sweetheart, Meera (Veena). As children, Ratan and Meera get separated while attending a fair. Raised at an orphanage, Ratan grows up to become a respected barrister named Ashok. Meanwhile, Chaman gets adopted into a rich family and becomes a dissolute playboy lusting after Rasily (Cuckoo). Meera still hopes that some day Ratan will return. But things go awry when Chaman kills a man in a fight and it is declared an accidental death. Chaman returns, but he's now more interested in Meera than Rasily. Who has returned, Ratan or Chaman? What became of the other twin? Watch the movie to find out.
Audio Available in: Hindi
This is a story of twin brothers, Ratan and Chaman (Ashok Kumar), and Ratan's childhood sweetheart, Meera (Veena). As childre...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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