Meenu’s exceptional culinary skills turn into a means of livelihood for her and her mother, Parvathi, when their lives take a...
Audio Available in: Malayalam
Meenu’s exceptional culinary skills turn into a means of livelihood for her and her mother, Parvathi, when their lives take an unexpected turn with the return of Meenu’s estranged father, Mohana Chandran. Struggling with memory loss, Mohana Chandran becomes the focus of Meenu and Parvathi’s efforts to restore his life. Meanwhile, Shivaranjini, the owner of Shivapoorna Catering, arrives in search of Meenu, bringing an intriguing twist to their story.
Audio Available in: Malayalam
Meenu’s exceptional culinary skills turn into a means of livelihood for her and her mother, Parvathi, when their lives take a...
Audio Available in: Malayalam
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