Jodha Akbar is a Tamil historical drama television series starring Rajat Tokas, Paridhi Sharma, Ravi Bhatia and Lavina Tandon...
Audio Available in: Tamil
Jodha Akbar is a Tamil historical drama television series starring Rajat Tokas, Paridhi Sharma, Ravi Bhatia and Lavina Tandon. The epic drama is set in the sixteenth century and revolves around the romance and life of Mughal Emperor Akbar and Rajput Princess Jodha Bai. Akbar and Jodha had a political marriage but eventually their intense love and respect for each other changed the fate of India.
Audio Available in: Tamil
Jodha Akbar is a Tamil historical drama television series starring Rajat Tokas, Paridhi Sharma, Ravi Bhatia and Lavina Tandon...
Audio Available in: Tamil
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