Gruhalaxmi 2019 is an Odia game show hosted by Pupinder and Eli Padhi. This is a special show hosted during the festive perio...
Audio Available in: Oriya
Gruhalaxmi 2019 is an Odia game show hosted by Pupinder and Eli Padhi. This is a special show hosted during the festive period of ‘Margasira Maasa Gurubaar and speaks about importance of women in the family. Contestants on the show are judged by Kuna Tripathy and Mahasweta Roy.
Audio Available in: Oriya
Gruhalaxmi 2019 is an Odia game show hosted by Pupinder and Eli Padhi. This is a special show hosted during the festive perio...
Audio Available in: Oriya
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Gruhalaxmi 2019