The story revolves around Krushith, Smrithi, and Varun. Krushith falls for Smrithi but keeps his feelings hidden due to work ...
Audio Available in: Telugu
The story revolves around Krushith, Smrithi, and Varun. Krushith falls for Smrithi but keeps his feelings hidden due to work complications. Later, he learns Smrithi loves Varun. Things complicate when Krushith discovers Smrithi's affection for him too. She realizes the difference between love and lust through these events. The narrative explores how their emotions evolve amidst professional challenges and personal revelations.
Audio Available in: Telugu
The story revolves around Krushith, Smrithi, and Varun. Krushith falls for Smrithi but keeps his feelings hidden due to work ...
Audio Available in: Telugu
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