Vihir is a 2009 Marathi drama starring Mohan Agashe, Madan Deodhar and Girish Kulkarni. Sameer and his cousin Nachiket are be...
Audio Available in: Marathi
Vihir is a 2009 Marathi drama starring Mohan Agashe, Madan Deodhar and Girish Kulkarni. Sameer and his cousin Nachiket are best friends. They meet at a relatives wedding and their friendship develops further through swims in the local well. The boys have a fight and they go their separate ways. Later, when Sameer returns, he discovers that Nachiket has drowned. Sameer tries to reconcile and remember what Sameer had said to him about life and goes to the well and sees Nachiket and has closure.
Audio Available in: Marathi
Vihir is a 2009 Marathi drama starring Mohan Agashe, Madan Deodhar and Girish Kulkarni. Sameer and his cousin Nachiket are be...
Audio Available in: Marathi
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