Vaishnavi is a 2010 Hindi-dubbed thriller film starring Anushka Shetty and Samrat. Vaishnavi is a village girl, who has divin...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Vaishnavi is a 2010 Hindi-dubbed thriller film starring Anushka Shetty and Samrat. Vaishnavi is a village girl, who has divine powers. She is treated as a goddess by the villagers and every year during the festival of Bonalu, she becomes the goddess herself and says prophecies. She is later killed by some goons for greed. Vaishnavi manages to stop the villains from attaining the temple fortune by possessing the body of another person who looks just like her.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Vaishnavi is a 2010 Hindi-dubbed thriller film starring Anushka Shetty and Samrat. Vaishnavi is a village girl, who has divin...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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