A girl was borne out of a momentary illegitimate relationship of her mother. Having found that out, the husband handed over the child to a couple, who brought up the I as their own. The girl grew up in the village. She was close to a few other girls with whom she spends hours in the orchards, besides the field and rivers. Soon she began to be termed falsely as a lesbian. The villagers shamed her. There was only boy in the village who sympathized with her. He promised to take to Kolkata for a job. And so they fled. In Kolkata she was put in charge of an elderly, father like gentleman. One day when this gentleman and the girl went out, a vagabond, mad woman attacked them. They fled the scene. The girl went out again one day, alone, when she met this woman again. Now this woman revealed the true identity of the old man. He was the true father of this village girl. The man was part of a girl trafficking racket and had promise to sell off this girl. In the mean time the girl befriended another young man and told him of her plight. He promised to help her as his father was an S.P. Then, one day, when the goons from whom the true father had taken an advance for girl, turned up, the helpless girl called up her new friend. The friend rushed in with his S.P. father. There was a shock awaiting all of them. The kingpin of this trafficking gang was none other than the S.P. himself. Shocked and amazed, the young man snatched fathers revolver and shot in death there itself.
Audio Available in: Bengali
A girl was borne out of a momentary illegitimate relationship of her mother. Having found that out, the husband handed over t...
Audio Available in: Bengali