The Terrorist is a 2018 Kannada thriller movie starring Ragini Dwivedi, Girish Shivanna and others. The story revolves around...
Audio Available in: Kannada
The Terrorist is a 2018 Kannada thriller movie starring Ragini Dwivedi, Girish Shivanna and others. The story revolves around Reshma and Asma, 2 sisters, who have lost their family recently. One day, Asma gets kidnapped, with the kidnapper controlling Reshma's movements and telling her to complete various risky tasks. Will Reshma be able to save her sister from the kidnapper?
Audio Available in: Kannada
The Terrorist is a 2018 Kannada thriller movie starring Ragini Dwivedi, Girish Shivanna and others. The story revolves around...
Audio Available in: Kannada
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The Terrorist