The story is about a man named Shiv, who lives with his wife and granddaughter in hiding, as a result of the on-going war. Th...
Audio Available in: Hindi
The story is about a man named Shiv, who lives with his wife and granddaughter in hiding, as a result of the on-going war. They live in a small room which has no windows. The film revolves around a morning in his life, where the bombings start a little early than usual, of how he forms a wordless connection, a bond with a stranger, whom he looks at through a crack in of the walls; a bond emerging out of the struggle for survival.
Audio Available in: Hindi
The story is about a man named Shiv, who lives with his wife and granddaughter in hiding, as a result of the on-going war. Th...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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The Room With No Window