Taskara is a 2016 Hindi dubbed Geo political thriller film starring Kireeti, Sampath Raju, Srinivas Govind, and Monika Hirmer...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Taskara is a 2016 Hindi dubbed Geo political thriller film starring Kireeti, Sampath Raju, Srinivas Govind, and Monika Hirmerr. A mysterious hacker hacks into the central reserve bank of the country and steals 10 trillion Rupees. CBI and RAW team up to track the hacker's whereabouts. They manage to find a few clues and gets to know that the hacker is an ex IMF economist, Dr Arjun Kumar. Are Arjun’s intentions good? Why Arjun did take such a drastic step?
Audio Available in: Hindi
Taskara is a 2016 Hindi dubbed Geo political thriller film starring Kireeti, Sampath Raju, Srinivas Govind, and Monika Hirmer...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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