Its an all known same old story which revolves round Rupak Chowdhury and his mentally retarded brother Joy along with their step brother Rohit and sister Rinki. They live with their step uncle Ahi mama and his wife, who conspire against them. Joy was given poisonous medicines since his childhood by Ahimama and his Dr. Friend which has damaged his nervous system. Nobody loves Joy without Rupak & their servant Harikaka. For a change Rupak takes Joy to their village where they meet two sisters Mukul and Bakul. Incidentally Rupak marries Mukul but when they return back to home, the bad-guies deny accepting her as Rupak's wife and continuously blaming her for their sudden misfortune. Mukul leaves home with Joy to cure him. After consulting a doctor she sends Joy to "Ananda Ashram" under the supervision of Maharaj. On the other hand, Ahimama sends his friend's daughter Kitty to woo Rohit but when Kitty comes to know about their conspiracy they kill her. Slowly Rinki and Rohit understand that they are being misguided by their beloved uncle & aunt, but it's too late. Ahimama kidnaps Rupak and Mukul- Bakul's parents & kills Harikaka. So Mukkul Bakul and Joy come to rescue Rupak, fight bravely but Rupak and Rohit both die while fighting. Joy kills his Ahimama, takes his revenge, then goes to jail, writes his autobiography "Lakshyabhed" in jail and then comes out from jail to live happily ever after with his family.
Audio Available in: Bhojpuri
Its an all known same old story which revolves round Rupak Chowdhury and his mentally retarded brother Joy along with their s...
Audio Available in: Bhojpuri