Sikandar is a 2014 Telugu action drama film starring Suriya, Vidhyut Jamwal and Samantha Ruth Prabhu.The story revolves aroun...
Audio Available in: Telugu
Sikandar is a 2014 Telugu action drama film starring Suriya, Vidhyut Jamwal and Samantha Ruth Prabhu.The story revolves around Krishna, who comes to Mumbai in search of his elder brother Raju. Meanwhile, Raju has turned a gangster and with his partner Chandru eliminates everybody who come in their way. However, things take an unexpected turn when Krishna crosses path with Raju’s enemies.
Audio Available in: Telugu
Sikandar is a 2014 Telugu action drama film starring Suriya, Vidhyut Jamwal and Samantha Ruth Prabhu.The story revolves aroun...
Audio Available in: Telugu
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