Shatru is a 1986 Hindi Drama film starring Rajesh Khanna, Shabana Siddique, Prem Chopra and Ashok Kumar. Ashok Sharma becomes...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Shatru is a 1986 Hindi Drama film starring Rajesh Khanna, Shabana Siddique, Prem Chopra and Ashok Kumar. Ashok Sharma becomes Inspector In-Charge of a remote police station. Adhering to his duties he goes on to save the lives of a blind man and a widow resulting in a tiff with Nishikant Shah, a local gangster. This unravels a whole new world of problems for Ashok, as he struggles to fight against power and corruption.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Shatru is a 1986 Hindi Drama film starring Rajesh Khanna, Shabana Siddique, Prem Chopra and Ashok Kumar. Ashok Sharma becomes...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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