Sardar Papa Rayudu is a 1980 Indian Telugu film, directed by Dasari Narayana Rao and Produced by Kranthi Kumar. The film star...
Audio Available in: Telugu
Sardar Papa Rayudu is a 1980 Indian Telugu film, directed by Dasari Narayana Rao and Produced by Kranthi Kumar. The film stars NTR, Sharada, Sridevi, Mohan Babu, Rao Gopal Rao and Satyanarayana in lead roles. The music of the film was composed by Chakravarthy.
Audio Available in: Telugu
Sardar Papa Rayudu is a 1980 Indian Telugu film, directed by Dasari Narayana Rao and Produced by Kranthi Kumar. The film star...
Audio Available in: Telugu
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Sardar Papa Rayudu