Sanjhbati is a 2019 Bengali drama film starring Soumitra Chatterjee, Dev, Paoli Dam, and Lily Chakravarty. The movie revolves...
Audio Available in: Bengali
Sanjhbati is a 2019 Bengali drama film starring Soumitra Chatterjee, Dev, Paoli Dam, and Lily Chakravarty. The movie revolves around Sulekha, a short-tempered, cranky old woman who is struggling with loneliness and is dependent on her caretaker. When Chandan, a young man, joins Sulekha as her new caretaker, he finds himself at loggerheads with her. What follows is a moving story about loneliness and relationships.
Audio Available in: Bengali
Sanjhbati is a 2019 Bengali drama film starring Soumitra Chatterjee, Dev, Paoli Dam, and Lily Chakravarty. The movie revolves...
Audio Available in: Bengali
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