Return of Chandramukhi is the Hindi film starring Mammotty and Navya Nair. Kunjunni purchases Nellur Mana from Gireeshan even...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Return of Chandramukhi is the Hindi film starring Mammotty and Navya Nair. Kunjunni purchases Nellur Mana from Gireeshan even though he knows that it is haunted. His dead body is found the next day. His brother Madhavan is a tantric and decides to investigate. His disciples get killed off by a mysterious force. But it is later revealed that it is Gireeshan who suffers from multiple personality disorder.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Return of Chandramukhi is the Hindi film starring Mammotty and Navya Nair. Kunjunni purchases Nellur Mana from Gireeshan even...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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Return Of Chandramukhi