Rekka is a 2016 Tamil action film starring Vijay Sethupathi, Lakshmi Menon and Sija Rose.The story revolves around Shiva, who...
Audio Available in: Tamil
Rekka is a 2016 Tamil action film starring Vijay Sethupathi, Lakshmi Menon and Sija Rose.The story revolves around Shiva, who helps lovers to elope and get married. During one such incident Shiva interferes and stops the marriage of David, a gangster. As a result, David returns to seek revenge and forces Shiva to risk his life and kidnap a politician’s daughter. Will Shiva land in a bigger trouble?
Audio Available in: Tamil
Rekka is a 2016 Tamil action film starring Vijay Sethupathi, Lakshmi Menon and Sija Rose.The story revolves around Shiva, who...
Audio Available in: Tamil
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