Rakshasudu is a 2015 Telugu supernatural film starring Suriya and Nayantara. The story revolves around Masss, a con-man who m...
Audio Available in: Telugu
Rakshasudu is a 2015 Telugu supernatural film starring Suriya and Nayantara. The story revolves around Masss, a con-man who meets with an accident that leaves him with a unique power to see ghosts around him. He comes across wandering spirits and takes their help to con people. He comes across another ghost Shakthi who takes help from Masss to seek revenge on his enemies.
Audio Available in: Telugu
Rakshasudu is a 2015 Telugu supernatural film starring Suriya and Nayantara. The story revolves around Masss, a con-man who m...
Audio Available in: Telugu
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