Rajini Murugan is a 2015 Tamil action comedy film starring Siva Karthikeyan and Keerti Suresh.The story revolves around Rajin...
Audio Available in: Tamil
Rajini Murugan is a 2015 Tamil action comedy film starring Siva Karthikeyan and Keerti Suresh.The story revolves around Rajini Murugan, an unemployed youth who is heir to his grandfather’s property. Rajini falls in love with Karthika but faces opposition from her father. Meanwhile, a family dispute also creates a rift between the brothers and Rajini must find a solution to resolve the issue.
Audio Available in: Tamil
Rajini Murugan is a 2015 Tamil action comedy film starring Siva Karthikeyan and Keerti Suresh.The story revolves around Rajin...
Audio Available in: Tamil
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Rajini Murugan