Raja Narasimha is a 2020 Telugu dubbed action comedy movie starring Mammootty, Jai, and Jagapathi Babu. The story revolves ar...
Audio Available in: Telugu
Raja Narasimha is a 2020 Telugu dubbed action comedy movie starring Mammootty, Jai, and Jagapathi Babu. The story revolves around Nadesan, a liquor baron and a master of crime, who rules the village by terrorising the locals and conducting illegal activities. Justice arrives in the form of Madhura Raja, a don with a golden heart, 25 years later.
Audio Available in: Telugu
Raja Narasimha is a 2020 Telugu dubbed action comedy movie starring Mammootty, Jai, and Jagapathi Babu. The story revolves ar...
Audio Available in: Telugu
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Raja Narasimha