On Duty 24 Tass is a 2010 comedy film starring Kranti Redkar. The story revolves around the Maharashtra police after the 26/1...
Audio Available in: Marathi
On Duty 24 Tass is a 2010 comedy film starring Kranti Redkar. The story revolves around the Maharashtra police after the 26/11 episode in Mumbai. The Government and the Police Department decide to form a new Anti Terrorism squad to be headed by a valiant officer Karan Bedi. Bedi selects a team of suspended officers as he thinks that these officers will want to work very hard in order to prove themselves. It turns out that they are neither motivated nor do they have proper training.
Audio Available in: Marathi
On Duty 24 Tass is a 2010 comedy film starring Kranti Redkar. The story revolves around the Maharashtra police after the 26/1...
Audio Available in: Marathi
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On Duty 24 Tass