Naal is a 2018 Marathi movie starring Shreenivas Pokale, Devika Daftardar, and Nagraj Popatrao Manjule. The story revolves ar...
Audio Available in: Marathi
Naal is a 2018 Marathi movie starring Shreenivas Pokale, Devika Daftardar, and Nagraj Popatrao Manjule. The story revolves around Chaitanya, an 8-year-old mischievous boy living with his loving family in a remote village in Maharashtra. The happy-go-lucky kid loses his sense of attachment towards his family, especially his mother when he discovers a hidden truth about himself. Filled with powerful performances, the critically acclaimed film beautifully emphasises the diverse nuances of a mother-son relationship.
Audio Available in: Marathi
Naal is a 2018 Marathi movie starring Shreenivas Pokale, Devika Daftardar, and Nagraj Popatrao Manjule. The story revolves ar...
Audio Available in: Marathi
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