Mr. Duplicate is a 2011 Kannada romantic film starring Diganth, Sheetal Injudhan and Prajwal Devaraj.The story revolves aroun...
Audio Available in: Kannada
Mr. Duplicate is a 2011 Kannada romantic film starring Diganth, Sheetal Injudhan and Prajwal Devaraj.The story revolves around Nandakumar, an unemployed youth, who falls in love with Poornima. However, Poornima is set to get engaged to Vikram and he she mistakes Nandakumar to be Vikram and they get close. What would happen when Poornima gets to know the truth?
Audio Available in: Kannada
Mr. Duplicate is a 2011 Kannada romantic film starring Diganth, Sheetal Injudhan and Prajwal Devaraj.The story revolves aroun...
Audio Available in: Kannada
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Mr Duplicate