Mittir Parar Maradona is a Bangla movie starring Rishav Basu, Omi Mukherjee, Sreema Bhattachary and others. The movie revolve...
Audio Available in: Bengali
Mittir Parar Maradona is a Bangla movie starring Rishav Basu, Omi Mukherjee, Sreema Bhattachary and others. The movie revolves around two national level aspiring footballers Bunty and Guddu, who represent rivalry sports club and hate each other. However, things start to complicate when Guddu falls for Priya, Bunty’s sister. Will Bunty and Guddu qualify to compete at National Level Football Championships…?? Will Guudu be able to win Priya?
Audio Available in: Bengali
Mittir Parar Maradona is a Bangla movie starring Rishav Basu, Omi Mukherjee, Sreema Bhattachary and others. The movie revolve...
Audio Available in: Bengali
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Mittir Parar Maradona