An Indian satellite in outer space is hijacked by an alien and its usual operations disturbed. Raju discovers this on Swami’s...
Audio Available in: Hindi
An Indian satellite in outer space is hijacked by an alien and its usual operations disturbed. Raju discovers this on Swami’s laser scanner and tries to communicate with the alien. The Alien tells Raju that he is a scientist on his planet and needs to observe Earth. The alien is kidnapped by Karaati when Mighty brings him to Earth. Karaati further hoodwinks Aryanagar into believing that the alien is harmful to the planet and that Mighty has been helping him. Responding to the alien’s distress call, a fleet of alien ships arrive on earth and attack Karaati, soon turning their fire towards the city. But they realise that Mighty is their friend and return to their planet.
Audio Available in: Hindi
An Indian satellite in outer space is hijacked by an alien and its usual operations disturbed. Raju discovers this on Swami’s...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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