Mysterious mercenary Jack Maverick (Emiliano Ruschel) arrives in the small town of Passo Fundo, Brazil, after accepting a luc...
Audio Available in: English
Mysterious mercenary Jack Maverick (Emiliano Ruschel) arrives in the small town of Passo Fundo, Brazil, after accepting a lucrative contract to investigate a series of suicides. As Jack mingles with the locals, his investigation takes him to a bar, where singer Natasha (Carla Elgert), pill popper Olivia (Larissa Vereza) and drug dealer Zonta (Marcio Kieling) might prove to be the key to unraveling the mystery. During his investigation, Jack realizes that the suicides have a dangerous new drug in common, and finds out that an international drug dealing cartel has been pulling the strings all along.
Audio Available in: English
Mysterious mercenary Jack Maverick (Emiliano Ruschel) arrives in the small town of Passo Fundo, Brazil, after accepting a luc...
Audio Available in: English
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