Majma is the story of an indigenous magician, Bishnu, who travels from town to town with his wife and son, performing street ...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Majma is the story of an indigenous magician, Bishnu, who travels from town to town with his wife and son, performing street magic. Soon as they arrive at a new slum dwelling, a local thug frames them for theft, alerting the cops. Cops bash up Bishnu and rape his beautiful wife. What follows is a tale of survival as Bishnu battles not just the dogma that all indigenous magicians are thieves amidst abject poverty but also the odds that threaten the very existence of the ancestral craft.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Majma is the story of an indigenous magician, Bishnu, who travels from town to town with his wife and son, performing street ...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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