Magic Robot is an 2010 Hindi-dubbed fantasy film starring Keerthika, Sangeetha, Ramya Krishnan and many others. A little girl...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Magic Robot is an 2010 Hindi-dubbed fantasy film starring Keerthika, Sangeetha, Ramya Krishnan and many others. A little girl named Priya is the daughter of a middle class couple. Priya gets possessed by spirit. With the help of the spirit's brother and a powerful sorceress named Kinathadi Kaali they set out to punish evil sorcerers Nanjappan and Madiramoorthy. Through the rest of the movie they fight with the evildoers and emerge victorious in this struggle.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Magic Robot is an 2010 Hindi-dubbed fantasy film starring Keerthika, Sangeetha, Ramya Krishnan and many others. A little girl...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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Magic Robot