Koi Mere Dil Se Poochhe is a 2002 Hindi Romantic film starring Aftab Shivdasani and Eshal Deol.The story revolves around Aman...
Audio Available in: Hindi, Bengali, Kannada +3 more
Koi Mere Dil Se Poochhe is a 2002 Hindi Romantic film starring Aftab Shivdasani and Eshal Deol.The story revolves around Aman, a fashion designer, who loves Esha but she declines his proposal. However, they soon fall in love and decide to marry. Trouble begins when Dushyant shows up claiming to be Esha's husband. Who would Esha marry?
Audio Available in: Hindi, Bengali, Kannada +3 more
Koi Mere Dil Se Poochhe is a 2002 Hindi Romantic film starring Aftab Shivdasani and Eshal Deol.The story revolves around Aman...
Audio Available in: Hindi, Bengali, Kannada +3 more
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Koi Mere Dil Se Poochhe