Kanavu Variyam is a 2017 Tamil drama movie starring Chidambaram and Jiya Shankar in the lead. The story revolves around Ezhil...
Audio Available in: Tamil
Kanavu Variyam is a 2017 Tamil drama movie starring Chidambaram and Jiya Shankar in the lead. The story revolves around Ezhil, a teenager aspiring to be a scientist, who wants to invent a device that can solve the electricity deficit and intermittent power supply problem in his village. With no support from the villagers, can he manage to invent the machine?
Audio Available in: Tamil
Kanavu Variyam is a 2017 Tamil drama movie starring Chidambaram and Jiya Shankar in the lead. The story revolves around Ezhil...
Audio Available in: Tamil
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Kanavu Variyam