Kahaani 2 is a 2016 Hindi thriller film starring Vidya Balan and Arjun Rampal. The story revolves around Vidya Sinha and he...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Kahaani 2 is a 2016 Hindi thriller film starring Vidya Balan and Arjun Rampal. The story revolves around Vidya Sinha and her daughter Mini. When Mini is kidnapped, Vidya rushes to her rescue, but meets with an accident and slips into coma. Inspector Inderjeet who investigates Vidya’s case, finds a diary at her home which has details about her dark past. The police doubt if Vidya is her real name or is she Durga Rani Singh.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Kahaani 2 is a 2016 Hindi thriller film starring Vidya Balan and Arjun Rampal. The story revolves around Vidya Sinha and he...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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Kahaani 2