Jurm is a 2005 thriller film starring Bobby Deol, Lara Dutta and Milind Soman. The story revolves around Avinash, an industr...
Audio Available in: Hindi, Bengali, Kannada +3 more
Jurm is a 2005 thriller film starring Bobby Deol, Lara Dutta and Milind Soman. The story revolves around Avinash, an industrialist, who is arrested for his wife’s murder. Though all evidences prove Avinash guilty, Avinash himself is unsure if he committed the crime. He seeks help from his lawyer friend Rohit who takes up his case. Can Rohit prove Avinash innocent?
Audio Available in: Hindi, Bengali, Kannada +3 more
Jurm is a 2005 thriller film starring Bobby Deol, Lara Dutta and Milind Soman. The story revolves around Avinash, an industr...
Audio Available in: Hindi, Bengali, Kannada +3 more
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