Indrudu is a 2014 Telugu psychological thriller starring Vishal and Laxmi Menon. The film dwells upon the topic of Narcolepsy...
Audio Available in: Telugu
Indrudu is a 2014 Telugu psychological thriller starring Vishal and Laxmi Menon. The film dwells upon the topic of Narcolepsy, a neurological disorder.Indhiran suffers from narcolepsy, due to which he falls asleep whenever his emotions reach an extreme level. During one such incident, Indhiran falls asleep when his wife is attacked and she goes into comma. Will Indhiran overcome his problems and seek revenge on those who attacked his wife?
Audio Available in: Telugu
Indrudu is a 2014 Telugu psychological thriller starring Vishal and Laxmi Menon. The film dwells upon the topic of Narcolepsy...
Audio Available in: Telugu
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