Hey Jude is a 2018 romantic drama Malayalam movie starring Nivin Pauly, Trisha Krishnan and others. The story revolves around...
Audio Available in: Malayalam
Hey Jude is a 2018 romantic drama Malayalam movie starring Nivin Pauly, Trisha Krishnan and others. The story revolves around Jude who suffers from Autism spectrum disorder. When the psychologist Sebastian identifies it, he decides to help Jude overcome it. Whether Jude will be able to come out of his inhibitions and social stigma, and find the true purpose of his life, forms the rest of the story.
Audio Available in: Malayalam
Hey Jude is a 2018 romantic drama Malayalam movie starring Nivin Pauly, Trisha Krishnan and others. The story revolves around...
Audio Available in: Malayalam
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Hey Jude