Fateh is a 1991 released Hindi Action movie featuring Sanjay Dutt and Sonam in the lead roles. The story is about Anand who...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Fateh is a 1991 released Hindi Action movie featuring Sanjay Dutt and Sonam in the lead roles. The story is about Anand who along with his time were supposed to execute Samrat, a smuggler and Mafia. Anand lost his leg and was soon forcedto get retired. Samrat took this as his advantage and killed helpless Samrat. Karan, Rajvir and Salim, the team members of Anand decide to avenge Samrat for Anand's death.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Fateh is a 1991 released Hindi Action movie featuring Sanjay Dutt and Sonam in the lead roles. The story is about Anand who...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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