Fareb is a 1996 Bollywood thriller film directed by Vikram Bhatt. Starring Faraaz Khan and Suman Ranganathan, with Milind Gu...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Fareb is a 1996 Bollywood thriller film directed by Vikram Bhatt. Starring Faraaz Khan and Suman Ranganathan, with Milind Gunaji. The story is about A police inspector gets obsessed with the wife of a doctor and tries to break them apart by hook or by crook. To what lengths will the policeman go to ensure that he gets what he wants?
Audio Available in: Hindi
Fareb is a 1996 Bollywood thriller film directed by Vikram Bhatt. Starring Faraaz Khan and Suman Ranganathan, with Milind Gu...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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