Enakkul Oruvan is a 2015 Tamil thriller film starring Siddharth, Deepa Sannidhi and Srushti Dange.The film revolves around Vi...
Audio Available in: Tamil
Enakkul Oruvan is a 2015 Tamil thriller film starring Siddharth, Deepa Sannidhi and Srushti Dange.The film revolves around Vicky, who works as an usher in a theatre. As Vicky suffers from insomnia, he is tricked into buying a drug, Lucia, that can make his desires come true in his dreams, blurring the line between fantasy and reality. However, the drug also has a side-effect, that discontinuing it can turn one’s dreams into nightmare.
Audio Available in: Tamil
Enakkul Oruvan is a 2015 Tamil thriller film starring Siddharth, Deepa Sannidhi and Srushti Dange.The film revolves around Vi...
Audio Available in: Tamil
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Enakkul Oruvan