Enakku Vaaitha Adimaigal is a Tamil comedy-drama film written and directed by Mahendran Rajamani and starring Jai and Pranith...
Audio Available in: Tamil
Enakku Vaaitha Adimaigal is a Tamil comedy-drama film written and directed by Mahendran Rajamani and starring Jai and Pranitha in the lead. Krishna goes on a vacation with his colleagues and falls in love with Divya. Initially, their love life is a bliss but when Divya breaks up with him, Krishna is dejected. He consults a psychiatrist who advises him to get in touch with his friends. But when they don’t come to meet him, he threatens to commit suicide leading to a hilarious search by his friends to find him.
Audio Available in: Tamil
Enakku Vaaitha Adimaigal is a Tamil comedy-drama film written and directed by Mahendran Rajamani and starring Jai and Pranith...
Audio Available in: Tamil
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Enakku Vaaitha Adimaigal