Sattar (Sanjay Dutt), owner of Good Luck Recovery Agency, is the saviour and the solution for all those caught in the debt tr...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Sattar (Sanjay Dutt), owner of Good Luck Recovery Agency, is the saviour and the solution for all those caught in the debt trap. From Bhaigiri to business to politics to social workâ"that's how Sattar wants to progress in life. He has already graduated from Bhaigiri to business and is now eager to jump into politics. Most sought after by banks, telecom companies and various multinationals, today his Good Luck Recovery Agency is a leading recovery agency. Sattar follows a simple rule when it comes to his businessâ"Loan liya hai to chukana padega.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Sattar (Sanjay Dutt), owner of Good Luck Recovery Agency, is the saviour and the solution for all those caught in the debt tr...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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