Diggajaru is a 2001 Kannada family drama movie starring Dr. Vishnuvardhan and Ambareesh. The story revolves around two best f...
Audio Available in: Kannada
Diggajaru is a 2001 Kannada family drama movie starring Dr. Vishnuvardhan and Ambareesh. The story revolves around two best friends Chikka, a servant, and Odeya, a landlord, who stay together. When Odeya accidentally commits a crime, Chikka takes the blame to save his landlord. Can their friendship stand the test of time amidst the troublesome situation?
Audio Available in: Kannada
Diggajaru is a 2001 Kannada family drama movie starring Dr. Vishnuvardhan and Ambareesh. The story revolves around two best f...
Audio Available in: Kannada
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