Dhan Dhana Dhan is a 2011 Kannada romantic comedy starring Prem Kumar and Sharmila Mandre.The story revolves around Siddhu, a...
Audio Available in: Kannada
Dhan Dhana Dhan is a 2011 Kannada romantic comedy starring Prem Kumar and Sharmila Mandre.The story revolves around Siddhu, a gangster, who loves Charmi but has no clue how to approach her. Siddhu’s doctor, Mr. Kamath, decides to give him tips to woo the girl he loves. However, Dr. Kamath regrets later when he finds that Siddhu is in love with his own sister Charmi.
Audio Available in: Kannada
Dhan Dhana Dhan is a 2011 Kannada romantic comedy starring Prem Kumar and Sharmila Mandre.The story revolves around Siddhu, a...
Audio Available in: Kannada
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Dhan Dhana Dhan