The film deals with an individual’s ordeal in the face of an indifferent establishment. It revolves around the payment of a...
Audio Available in: Hindi
The film deals with an individual’s ordeal in the face of an indifferent establishment. It revolves around the payment of an electricity bill for a farm pump-set.Velu owns a small sugarcane field and has immense faith in the establishment, in this case, the Electricity Board, to condone a delay in payment of his electricity bill. But when the power is severed he and his wife Sita are devastated. Friends and well wishers raise their hands helplessly and can only offer suggestions for restoration of power. Help comes finally from the most unexpected quarters. Their neighbour Radha who is looked down upon by the villagers, restores the power and reinforces one’s faith in basic human values.
Audio Available in: Hindi
The film deals with an individual’s ordeal in the face of an indifferent establishment. It revolves around the payment of a...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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