During the decade of 1970, a company decided to recruit 100 stuffs for their vacant positions. But the number of unemployed youth was so much that almost 30000 people applied for that job. Here Mrinal Sen neatly introduced some characters who actually portrayed the scenario in which they were going through. A journalist actually recorded all reports direct from applicants when they were queued up for the collection of forms. Some of them were victimized by black marketers, some families were facing labour problem due to company lockouts. But everybody was standing for the collection of form for those vacant positions. The pressure was increased day by day, at last the management had to call the police to tackle the situation. Suddenly few posters were seen on the sides of the roads and pavements. Those 30000 applicants became united. Some phone calls also conveyed by them. At last people organized an uprising and symbolically they protest against the system of ruling.
Audio Available in: Bengali
During the decade of 1970, a company decided to recruit 100 stuffs for their vacant positions. But the number of unemployed y...
Audio Available in: Bengali