Chennai vs China is 2011 Hindi action thriller film starring Suriya, Shruti Haasan and Johnny Nguyen. The story revolves arou...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Chennai vs China is 2011 Hindi action thriller film starring Suriya, Shruti Haasan and Johnny Nguyen. The story revolves around Bodhidharma, an ancient legend from the 6th century, who was a master of martial arts and medicines. Centuries later, when Subha, a student, tries to revive Bodhidharma’s skills and find a cure for a virus, Dong Lee from China comes to foil her plans. Will Dong Lee succeed in his plans?
Audio Available in: Hindi
Chennai vs China is 2011 Hindi action thriller film starring Suriya, Shruti Haasan and Johnny Nguyen. The story revolves arou...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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Chennai Vs China