Case No. 18/9 is a 2013 Kannada thriller film starring Nirnajan Shetty, Sindhu Lokanath and Abhishek.The story revolves aroun...
Audio Available in: Kannada
Case No. 18/9 is a 2013 Kannada thriller film starring Nirnajan Shetty, Sindhu Lokanath and Abhishek.The story revolves around Lakshmi, a maid, who loves Madeva and Kavya, a student, who loves Sandy. When Sandy tries to fool Kavya and take her inappropriate pictures, Kavya deserts him. An infuriated Sandy tries to take revenge on Kavya but ends up hurting Lakshmi. Will Sandy be punished for this?
Audio Available in: Kannada
Case No. 18/9 is a 2013 Kannada thriller film starring Nirnajan Shetty, Sindhu Lokanath and Abhishek.The story revolves aroun...
Audio Available in: Kannada
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Case No 18 9